Living Hope Church, Medicine Hat

Our Sunday Bulletin

Embracing the Bible as God's infallible and inerrant Word.


Our Latest Bulletin

Worship October 20, 2024

Pastor: Kevin Vanderveen   Worship Leader:  Kyle Church



Opening Worship Song: Your Grace is Enough

Opening Prayer and Blessing

Worship Song: Holy, Holy, Holy

Worship Song: Behold Our God


Introduction: Coffee Break

Sharing about Coffee Break


Song of Response: Your Name

(Children are dismissed for Sunday School)


Prayer for illumination

Scripture Reading: Romans 6:1-14

Message: Being Reformed: Sola Gratia

Song of Response: He Will Hold Me Fast



Church Family Prayer

Offering:  1) Local Budget             2) Rehoboth

Closing Blessing

Closing Worship Song: Blessed Assurance




Birthdays this week:  October 20 – Zander Scholtz

                                          October 26 – Jonathan Van Dam


  We wish you and your famil yGod’s blessings in the coming year.




We hold in prayer: all those in our congregation and our communities struggling with

ongoing illness and with the limitations due to age, including:  Ina (C.) Aasman, Ann Unger,

Janny Slofstra.  


Please hold in prayer, Weltje Gouw, as she has lost the sight in one of her eyes and Ann Unger as

she is in hospital receiving care.


The Bulletin is  available on our web site at






October 20

October 27


Ina (B) Aasman, Ty  Aasman

Mike and  Irene Dykstra

Sound  Booth

Dirk and Andrew

Jeff and Cohen


Eileen Whitrow and  Avery Stigter

Michelle W and Cohen

Sunday  School

Michelle W and  Cohen

Cynthia and Sam


Tom and Rita  Hamilton

Ian and Krista  Parkinson





Offering Schedule

October 20

Rehoboth (Thrive  disability concerns)

October 27

Samaritans Purse

November 3


November 10

Reframe Ministries

Ways to Give


Living Hope accepts e-transfers to

You can specify where you would like your donation to go in the memo section (budget, second offering, etc.).  If nothing is specified, your donation will go to the church budget.  Please add your name in the memo as well if it is not clear in your email address.

Sign up for Automatic Withdrawal: Please fill out the Pre-Authorized Debit forms that were in your mailbox or ask at the church office for one.

Collection bags for cash or coupons: The red bag is for our local budget and the bluebag (second collection) will be specified in the bulletin/service.  Please go to the church office after the service if you would like to purchase coupons.


This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24





Lord’s Day, October 20: Catechism: meets after the morning service

Adult Bible Study: meets at 6:30


Monday, October 21:      Friendship: meets at 7:00


Thursday, October 24:   Coffee Break: meets from 9:30-11:00 am. Lesson #4 of Ephesians

GEMS: meets at 6:30pm

Cadets: meets at 6:30pm


We are excited about all that God is doing in and through our church family. We look forward to coming alongside you in different ways.


Are you ready to "Find Hope in Everyday Life”? Do you need a mental health check up before winter?

Jennifer Aasman Kumm, a registered psychotherapist with Reviving Hope Counselling and Psychotherapy is giving a FREE seminar on Saturday, November 2, 2024 at1:00.  Glenview Nazarene Church is hosting the event.  Across from Walmart. Invite your friends to this free event.  


The Nurture Pregnancy Centre is planning to have their annual brunch on October 26.

Bountiful Blessings Harvest Brunch will be at the Hillcrest Church gym at 10:00 am, doors open at 9:30 am.  Tickets are $25. Please see Elisa Aasman after church to purchase a ticket.  Hope to see you there!


Rehoboth& the Joyful Noise Choir invite you to an evening of fun and fellowship on Saturday, November 2 at 7pm at Trinity Reformed Church.  Admission is free and donations are welcome.


October is Rehoboth’s Annual Donation Drive!  We invite you to become a Friend of Rehoboth and support our ministry of supporting persons with developmental disabilities to flourish. Donations of any size are greatly appreciated and help us to grow our reach. Donation envelopes are available or can be made online:  Thank you for your prayerful consideration. Tax receipts will be mailed out February2025. Our newsletter is also available online as well!


Recreation Committee: Get Ready to roll at our church bowling night! Whether you are a pro or a newbie, come out for a fun evening of strikes and spares with friends and family. Bowling Night will be on November 16 @ Panorama Lanes from 6-8 pm. There will be a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall so we can geta rough idea of numbers beforehand. We hope to see you there!

Worship October 13, 2024

Pastor: Kevin Vanderveen   Worship Leader:  Kyle Church



Opening Worship Song: Come Now is the Time to Worship

Opening Prayer and Blessing

Worship Song: This is the Day

Worship Song: There is a Redeemer


Introduction: Youth

Sharing about youth


Song of Response: For the Beauty of the Earth

(Children are dismissed for Sunday School)


Prayer for illumination

Scripture Reading: Ephesians 2:1-9, and James 2:14-19

Message: Being Reformed: Sola Fide 

Song of Response: Yet Not I But Through Christ in Me



Church Family Prayer

Offering:  1) Local Budget             2) Benevolence

Closing Blessing

Closing Worship Song: He Will Hold Me Fast

Offering Schedule: October14 – Medicine Hat Food Bank

                                       October 20 – Rehoboth

                                       October 27 – Samaritan’s Purse


We are looking to update our volunteer lists for Coffee Service and Greeting.  If you would like to volunteer, there will be sign up sheets on the table in the foyer. Your help is greatly appreciated.


GEMS – Come join us for fellowship and soup on October 18th at 5:30 in support of our local Women’s Shelter and Operation Christmas Child!  Any donations are greatly appreciated and will be used to purchase items that the Women’s Shelter is in need of as well as filling boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  If you are interested in donating pots of soup or pies please talk to Norah or Katie.  There will be a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall.


Are you ready to "Find Hope in Everyday Life”?  Do you need a mental health check up before winter?

Jennifer Aasman Kumm, a registered psychotherapist with Reviving Hope Counselling and Psychotherapy is giving a FREE seminar on Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 1:00.  Glenview Nazarene Church is hosting the event.  Across from Walmart. Invite your friends to this free event.  


The Family of Olga Van Dam would like to invite you to a Come and Go Tea from2:00-4:00 pm in Celebration of her 90th birthday on Saturday, October19th. The Tea will be at Fairway Village Condos in the Social Room on the 3rd Floor.  The address for Fairway Village is 1182 Southview Drive SE.


We are excited to support the Medicine Hat College Chaplaincy with a food drive! Your contributions will help provide meals and essentials to students in need.

When: We will collect food over the next couple of weeks for this food drive, but Chaplain George will take food donations all year long
Where: just place donated food items in the bin underneath the mailboxes
What to donate: Non-perishable food items, personal care products, also laundry detergent and dish soap.

Let’s come together to show our love and support for our college community! Thank you for your generosity!

Lord’sDay, October 13

Catechism: meetsafter the morning service


Monday, October 14


ThanksgivingService on Monday, October 14 @ 10:00 am


Wednesday, October 16


Knitting: meetsfrom 1:00-3:00

CouncilMeeting at 7:00 pm


Thursday, October 17


CoffeeBreak: meets from 9:30-11:00 am. Lesson #3 of Ephesians


Friday, October 18


GEMS: Soup supper starting at 5:30


We are excited about all that God is doing in and through our church family. We look forward to coming alongside you in different ways.

Worship October 6, 2024

Pastor: Kevin Vanderveen   Worship Leader:  Jen Wagenaar



Opening Worship Song: 10,000 Reasons

Opening Prayer and Blessing

Worship Song: Let All Things Now Living

Worship Song: Lord I Lift Your Name on High


Introduction: GEMS

Sharing about GEMS


Song of Response: Above All

(Children are dismissed for Sunday School)


Prayer for illumination

Scripture Reading: Galatians 2:11-22 and Heidelberg Catechism Q&A 1

Message: Being Reformed: Solus Christus

Song of Response: In Christ Alone



Church Family Prayer

Offering:  1) Local Budget             2) Mustard Seed

Closing Blessing

Closing Worship Song: As the Deer

We are looking to update our volunteer lists for Coffee Service and Greeting.  If you would like to volunteer, there will be sign up sheets on the table in the foyer. Your help is greatly appreciated.


The next Council meeting will be October 16th at 7:00 pm.


GEMS –Come join us for fellowship and soup on October 18th at 5:30 in support of our local Women’s Shelter and Operation Christmas Child!  Any donations are greatly appreciated and will be used to purchase items that the Women’s Shelter is in need of as well as filling boxes for Operation Christmas Child. If you are interested in donating pots of soup or pies please talk to Norah or Katie.  There will be a sign-up sheet in the Fellowship Hall.


Admin office hours will be as follows: Monday 9:00 - 12:00,Wednesday 9:00-12:00 and Friday 9:00 -12:00. Please feel free to pop by the church for a visit during these times. Or if you would prefer a phone call visit with Pastor Kevin, please give the church a call.


We are excited to support the Medicine Hat College Chaplaincy with a food drive! Your contributions will help provide meals and essentials to students in need.

When: We will collect food over the next couple of weeks for this food drive, but Chaplain George will take food donations all year long
Where: just place donated food items in the bin underneath the mailboxes
What to donate: Non-perishable food items, personal care products, also laundry detergent and dish soap.

Let’s come together to show our love and support for our college community! Thank you for your generosity!

 Up Coming Events:

Lord’s Day, October6

Adult Bible Study: We will be starting with a study called Inside Out. It will be focusing on Spiritual Formation.  Bible study will start at 7:00 pm at the church.


Monday, October 7

Friendship: Friendship will be meeting at 7:00 pm


Thursday, October10

Coffee Break: meets from 9:30-11:00 am. Lesson #2 of Ephesians

GEMS: meets from 6:30 – 8:00

Cadets: meets from 6:30 – 8:00


*There will be a Thanksgiving Service on Monday, October 14 @ 10:00 am


We are excited about all that God is doing in and through our church family. We look forward to coming alongside you in different ways.
